OpenPlant Isometrics Manager Help

Isometric Style Configuration - Insulation and Tracing

The configuration options for Insulation and Tracing are very similar, as shown in the image below:
The descriptions in the table below will apply to both the Insulation and Tracing options:
Symbology This Symbology defines the graphical appearance for a Insulation/Tracing line.
  • Line Color — Define color of the insulation line. Click on browse button to open Color Table and select any color from the color table.
  • Line Style — Select line style from the list for the insulation line.
  • Line Weight — Select line weight from the list for the insulation line.
Level Name Defines the level on which the Insulation/Tracing will be placed. There are several predefined levels (including a default Insulation/Tracing level) in the list to choose from or you can define a new level if preferred.
Show Insulation/Tracing Determines whether Insulation/Tracing is displayed on the isometric.
Show Double Insulation/Tracing When checked, this option displays Insulation/Tracing on both sides of a fitting or pipe.
Note: This is only done when the pipe/fitting is not traced at the same time. When both Insulation and Piping are shown, one side is used for insulation and the other for tracing.
Show Insulation/Tracing on Fitting When checked, this option displays insulation (tracing) on both pipe and fittings. Otherwise either are displayed only on pipes.
When finished making any changes in the fields, click Save to apply the changes.
The Undo button will undo any changes made.
Note: The Save and Undo buttons only enable when changes are made.